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Acne Scars, Blemishes and Marks

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» Acne Scars, Blemishes and Marks - Treatment in Argentina - Dermatology

» General Information:

How is the problem solved?

The key to solving the problem of acne scars, blemishes or marks lies in personally evaluating the patient to determine the personalized treatment suitable for each patient. The type of treatment will depend on the degree of the scarring, on which marks are most prominent, and on the skin type.

What are the most frequently-used treatments?

Firstly, the patient's skin type is evaluated, along with the degree, depth and type of scarring. The Fitzpatrick scale is used to determine the skin type:

Fitzpatrick skin classification scale:

  1. White skin. Always burns, never tans.
  2. White skin. Always burns. Sometimes tans slightly and with difficulty.
  3. White skin. Sometimes burns. Always tans moderately.
  4. Brown skin. Does not tend to burn. Tans easily.
  5. Dark brown skin. Burns very rarely. Tans quickly.
  6. Black skin. Does not burn. Tans very easily.

When the scars are deep and the patient has skin type I or II, the resurfacing procedure (recreating the skin) may be prescribed, involving Intermediate and Deep Medical Peels applied in a single session with acids such as Phenol and Trichloroacetic acids. A patient may go back to work about 1 to 2 weeks later, following an intensive care program (creams) for a few months. When the procedure is an Intermediate Peel, the patient can go back to work after 7 to 10 days, while with a Deep Peel, the patient will be fit to go back to work after 2 weeks (when it is possible to apply make-up again). During the first post-surgery week a scab (crust) is formed and there is edema or swelling. This first week requires rest, and no working activity.

Besides, for skin types I and II peeling techniques with glycolic acid and salicylic acid can be applied.

Patients who cannot take time out of work (as Deep Peels cause considerable erythema or redness) or who do not wish to undergo an Intermediate or Deep Peel can have several, more superficial peeling sessions, preceded by Microdermabrasion sessions using crystals. The patient starts out with 4 sessions.

For skin types III and higher, or for those cases in which scarring or marks are not so deep, Crystal Microdermabrasion sessions will be combined with superficial peeling sessions. Mandelic acid may be used as it is a safe acid that rarely causes adverse effects and can be used the year round, along with the appropriate photoprotective measures. The patient starts out with 4 sessions.

The results of all these treatments are maximized by combining them with home treatments based on products specially prepared by Dermatologist Roberto Rodriguez Palacios, who is backed by 38 years of experience and keeps updated on the latest techniques. Results are guaranteed by his personal treatment and follow-up of cases throughout that time. Today, patients who began preventative treatment in time enjoy the results. Credit can also be given for the outcome of therapeutic treatments administered in connection with very complex pathologies.

There are multiple options, which can be combined. However, it all begins with a preliminary diagnosis at the first appointment, which is key.

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